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Methanesulfonyl chloride

CAS NO.:124-63-0

Molecular formula: CH3SO2CL
Molecular weight: 114.5
CAS No.: [124-63-0]

Appearance: Colorless transparent oily liquid

Sex: colorless transparent oily liquid. Melting point -32 degrees, flash point 110 degrees, insoluble in water.
Structural formula:

Specification: ≥99.5%
Packing: 250kg/ barrel or 20 tons /TANK
To use: Widely used in organic synthesis, dye, pharmaceutical and other industries. It can be used as catalyst, chlorination agent, curing agent and stabilizer

Storage: Store in a cool, dry and well-ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat. Packaging must be sealed and kept away from moisture. It should be stored separately from acids, alkalis, alcohols, active metal powders, etc., and should not be mixed. The storage area should be equipped with leak emergency treatment equipment and suitable containment materials.